Friday, October 29, 2010

If you've got the runs...

It sounds gross I know, but I promise I don't mean it like that.
I never thought I would have to write about this, because I didn't think anyone outside of a magazine actually wore things like this.
But I guess I will have to talk about it.

Purposely wearing tights with runs in them.
Now, I understand that they look really cool on this model. And I'm sure they would add character to many Halloween costumes, but for everyday wear? Come on. Now, I know there are times when you can accidentally leave the house and not know you have a run in your tights, it happens to us all. But she was definitely wearing them like that on purpose, because they were all over.
She definitely was aware of it. I just don't understand this as an everyday trend. I would even be forgiving if it was for going out to the club or a concert. But traipsing around campus, in 40 degree weather, with holes in your tights is just not cute. It is definitely not fashionable.
I would almost go as far to say it is trashy looking. I have perused more than a few magazines that have Miley Cyrus in those awful tights, and they don't even look good on her.
There are definitely tights sold that have openings in them, that aren't necessarily holes or runs or tears. I think these are super cute, and way classier. I actually own a pair that have a criss-cross design up the back.
I think these are super cute, and can definitely be adapted for everyday wear. They aren't over the top, or ostentatious. Just clean and cute. So if you really want to walk around with holes in your tights, I would suggest this as an alternative to runs in your tights.

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