While we are two very different people, there are ways to be comfy and look cute.
I swear it's true.
Seriously though, why put on a enormous pair of sweatpants that are barely being held up by the drawstring.
Instead, wear a fitted yoga pant, or yoga capri. They are to die for comfortable. Plus they are actually very warm, and if you live in the freezing cold layer them over a skinny legging and you will be toasty warm.
For awhile, the only yoga pants I had seen were at Victoria's Secret. However, I wasn't really looking. They can be found for way cheaper at stores like Ross and Marshall's, in the active wear sections. If you want to go pricey, you can be my guest. But I'm always looking for a deal, so I highly recommend checking out the cheaper wear first. And by cheaper, I do not mean lesser quality. The prices are just much more affordable.
yoga pantsyoga capris
What I love most about pants like this is how they fit around the waist. They don't give you any unflattering lines or love handle bumps. They just fold over. I definitely suggest investing in 2 or 3 pairs if you are a "grunger".
Now that you're partially dressed, I know you're looking in your closet staring at your brothers old lacrosse hoodie thinking about how warm and soft it is.
Stop right there.
Chances are that the sweatshirt you're staring at makes you look like a balloon. Why don't you grab a zip-up sweatshirt instead, preferably one in your size. The nice thing about sweaters like this is you can make your sports bra look like an undershirt, and no one will know the difference.
Sweatshirts in your size also give you more of a shape. So instead of people looking at you and knowing immediately you jut woke up, you can give the illusion that you could have possibly just got done working out and have been up for hours.
I think this is ingenious.
However, when wearing workout gear, remember it should be more form-fitting because that allows you more flexibility while you are working out.
If you have decided not to invest in the yoga pant, grab a pair of leggings. They are just as effective at giving off that working out vibe.
Personally, I like to wear leggings with a long, loose-fitting tank (to cover my butt), a sports bra, and then an unzipped sweatshirt. Super comfy, super easy to just throw on and run out the door.
Lastly, everyone needs some sort of workout shoe. Especially as a college student, you have to walk everywhere. If you want to give off that work-out vibe, definitely wear a tennis shoe.
Keep it on the down low, but I wear pair of Reebok Easy Tone shoes.
I know it sounds super dorky, and you probably don't even think they work, but what's the harm in trying. Personally, walking back and forth to my classes in a day means I am walking at least 2 miles. Why not try to tone my butt and legs while I'm at it? Plus, unlike Shape-Ups, no one even knows I'm wearing work-out shoes.
I love them, don't judge.
Anyways, get a cute pair of work-out shoes. They never hurt or rub, and they get you from point A to point B with comfort.
As a side note, I would recommend not wearing a matching track suit. It looks more authentic and work-out-like if it is similar colors but not matching. But if you would like to match, then be my guest. Just my opinion.
So the next time you roll out of bed with no intention of getting ready. Reach for your "work-out clothes", I put that in quotations because you definitely don't need to work-out to own work-out clothes. And then when you run into that hot guy from one of your classes, he wont see another dude but instead he will be impressed because he will think you're athletic!
Oh us girls, we are so tricky.
You're just too smart and witty to be a girl. Seriously why don't I have friends like you who also give me fashion tips? Keep it up!